Can investment advisors promote rational investment? Evidence from micro-data in China



Xiaomeng Lu; Yong Zhang; Yixing Zhang; Lin Wang*;Economic Modelling

Investment advisors are important participants in fifinancial markets. With the increasing demand for household financial asset management in China, the role of investment advisors is being widely discussed. Taking investors’ degree of diversifification as the proxy of the rational investment, this study examines the role of investment advisors in promoting rational investments. It fifinds that investors with investment advisors are more likely to invest rationally. Further analysis shows that investment advisors play a greater role in promoting rational investment of investors with more investment experience, better fifinancial literacy, more investible assets and male.

The conclusions of this study indicate that giving full play to the role of professional investment advisors in household asset allocations and encouraging investors to invest rationally is important for the prevention of financial risks and the promotion of the healthy development of the fifinancial market.